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Healthy Recipe: Superfood Walnut Pesto Noodles

Need a lunch that holds well on-the-go but also takes into consideration your health goals? We found this recipe that’s packed with healthy veggies and lots of flavor. This Superfood Walnut Pesto Noodles is extremely versatile so you can substitute any vegetable you like.

The Superfood Pesto gives tons of flavor, along with a plethora of baby power greens and heart healthy walnuts. Prep this ahead of time so you can keep your busy workweek as easy as possible.


Super Food Walnut Pesto Recipe: (4-6 servings)  
1 cup walnuts
2 tablespoons sesame oil (or olive oil)
2 tablespoons white miso
1–2 garlic cloves, start with one
¼ cup water
3–4 cups baby superfood greens (baby kale, arugula, spinach, chard)
squeeze of lemon to taste

Assembly: (2 servings)
4 ounces dry soba noodles (sub GF noodles)
½ cup shredded cabbage
¼ cup sliced radishes
1 cup of power greens
⅛– ¼ cup walnuts
olive oil and lemon for drizzling
optional additions: edamame, sunflower sprouts, avocado, snow peas


  1. Begin by getting your soba noodles cooking, cook according to directions.
  2. Make the Superfood Walnut Pesto: Place walnuts, miso, oil, garlic and water into a food processor and pulse repeatedly. Add the power greens and pulse. Adjust consistency by adding more water if you like. Add a squeeze of lemon, pulse, and taste. Add more garlic, lemon or salt to taste. (The miso is satisfyingly salty so I didn’t add salt.)
  3. Toss the noodles with ⅓-½ of the walnut pesto (you will have enough walnut pesto for 4-6 servings).
  4. Place noodles in a bento box with a handful of greens, shredded cabbage, walnuts and radishes. (Feel free to add avocado, or other veggies)
  5. Drizzle veggies with a little olive oil, lemon and salt. Pack it up with a set of chopsticks and you are good to go.


Credit: Feasting at Home

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