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Recipes for Fall

With summer drawing to a close, new seasonal foods are starting to arrive in grocery stores, giving us new flavors to explore for our recipes. Comprehensive Cancer Centers recommends its patients, and everyone else, be still be mindful of what they eat as a healthy diet has been shown to reduce risks for illnesses.

You can find resources for healthy eating, both in sourcing ingredients as well as in recipes in our blog. A new edition to that blog will be this post, in which we’ll look at what ingredients are great to eat in the fall, along with some ways to use them in easy-to-make dishes.

While berries are often thought of a strictly a summer offering, fall is often the time of year for  domestically grown crops. One of those berries is blueberries. The focus on blueberries can often be in their sweet flavor, but they’re also a great resource for fiber with nearly two grams of fiber found in each half cup. Fiber is a healthy way to reduce weight and keep the body regular and flushing toxins out.

Fish with Agrodolce Blueberry Sauce

Blueberries are an easy food to eat, with grabbing a handful a fast way to get a powerful and healthy snack that’s sweet, serving as a great substitute to other options, such as candy. You can also add the fruit to yogurt cups, salads and even in unexpected ways like with fish. A great, and very unique, recipe offers a way to deliciously use blueberries when preparing a fish like salmon. This recipe is salmon with agrodolce blueberries, which is influenced by Italian Agrodolce – a tart and sweet sauce made by cooking/reducing a sugar base with vinegar. You can add to this dish, wine, and other fruits or vegetables.

Apple Crisp – Perfect and Easy

There are few fall harvesting traditions like picking apples and pumpkins. For apples, optimal picking season starts at the end of summer if you wish to do so outdoors.  If you’re only picking them at your local grocery store, new seasonal colors and flavors abound. As with blueberries, an apple can be picked and eaten by itself, as well as integrating the fruit into other foods such as salads.

One of the most fun ways to use apples, and a way that brings the tastes and scents of fall shining through, is found baking apple pies or apple crisps. It’s easy to find one at any store, or at some restaurants that can be taken home and made quickly, but there are also recipes available that don’t take a lot of time or expertise to turn out great.

One of our favorite apple crisp recipes can be found here. With six ingredients, this recipe takes only about an hour to make, with 45 of those minutes spent with the crisp baking in your oven, filling your home with the scents of serious fall deliciousness.

Apples are a great source of fiber without a lot of calories. It’s recommended to leave the skin on apples, whenever possible, since they contain helpful polyphenols and vitamin C. Polyphenols reduce risks for heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, while potentially reducing the odds of developing Alzheimer’s Disease.

20 Easy Pumpkin Recipes

Back to our other favorite food to pick in the fall, which is pumpkins. Just as with another healthy fall food – like its culinary cousin squash – pumpkins are rich with beta-carotene, which your body converts into vitamin A. As opposed to taking vitamin A in supplements, when found in foods like pumpkins, your body can more easily process the nutrient.

According to the USDA, a cup of cubed raw pumpkin provides 3,600 mcg of beta-carotene and 10.4 mg per cup of vitamin C. It’s important to note that the big and fun pumpkins that you can pick on your own, or buy at pumpkin patches that are fun to carve, don’t pack the same nutritional power as smaller ones that are grown for cooking rather than carving.

There’s a lot you can do when cooking with pumpkins, as outlined in this list of 20 options. As with anything you cook, be sure to select options that are lower in sugar, or if you select sweet treats consume them in moderation. Same with pumpkin flavored options that become readily available around Labor Day. Most of these pumpkin treats are artificially flavored and pack a lot of sugar.

And when cooking with pumpkins, don’t forget to look into options for their fellow fall arriving cousins, as noted before, with the squash family. Squashes like butternut, spaghetti, and acorn packed with healthy nutrients such as potassium, vitamin A beta-carotene and magnesium and are readily available during late summer, early fall.

Comprehensive Cancer Centers Can Help

Physicians at Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada provide a variety of options for the treatment of cancer, blood disorders, breast health conditions and pulmonary disease. To schedule an appointment with the team at Comprehensive, please call 702-952-3350.


The content is this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.


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