National Minority Health Month
Celebrated by the team at Comprehensive Cancer Centers, each April, National Minority Health Month works to build awareness about the disproportionate burden of premature death and illness in minority populations. The month also encourages action through awareness about health education, the value of early detection and improved control of disease complications.
In 2002, National Minority Health Month received support from the U.S. Congress with a concurrent resolution that a National Minority Health and Health Disparities Month should be established to promote educational efforts on the health problems currently facing minorities and other health disparity populations. The resolution encouraged all health organizations and Americans to conduct appropriate programs and activities to promote healthfulness in minority and other health disparity communities.
Comprehensive Cancer Centers follows this lead in encouraging our community to work together to increase early cancer detections that can lead to improved treatment outcomes for our neighbors. The oncology practice also supports the mission of National Minority Health Month for 2021, which is titled Active & Healthy. When combining active living, with early detection and treatment, the outcome is longer, happier and more enjoyable lives.
Get Active and Get Healthy
Being physical activity is one of the best things people can do to improve their health. Yet, too few Americans get the recommended amount of physical activity. Despite this fact, few adults fully meet physical activity guidelines for aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities. These numbers are even lower among adults in some racial and ethnic minority populations.
Physical activity promotes health and reduces the risk of chronic diseases and other conditions that are often more common and more severe among racial and ethnic minority groups. Physical activity also fosters normal growth and development in children, improves mental health, and can make people feel better, function better, and sleep better.
The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans outlines the amounts and types of physical activity needed to maintain or improve overall health and reduce the risk of chronic disease. The guidelines recommend that adults get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week. You could get this amount many different ways including a 22-minute walk each day or a 30-minute walk five days per week. Every little bit counts, and it all adds up.
Communities like the ones right here in Southern Nevada can create easy and safe options for physical activity that can help every American be more active where they live, learn, work, and play. The Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) program is one of the only CDC programs that focuses on reducing chronic disease for specific racial and ethnic groups in urban, rural, and tribal communities with high disease burden across the United States.
REACH addresses racial and ethnic disparities in health by partnering with the most affected communities to prevent chronic disease and improve health. REACH has worked with more than 180 communities to create environments that make healthy choices easier.
Ways to Get Involved and Support National Minority Health Month
The US Department of Health and Human Services invites everyone to participate in daily themes. Share tips, resources, and best practices with the community on how to stay #ActiveandHealthy in and around your home on your favorite social channels by downloading the National Minority Health Month Toolkit full of resources, sample social media messages, and downloadable graphics. Daily themes include:
- Wellness Mondays
- Trivia Tuesdays
- Work Out Wednesdays
- Throwback Thursdays
- Family Fridays
- Spotlight Saturdays
- Empowerment Sundays
Everyone who participates in these activities is also encouraged to reach out to family and friends in minority communities to share these messages, as well as the value of regular screenings through annual checkups.
Comprehensive Cancer Centers Can Help
Physicians at Comprehensive Cancer Centers provide a variety of treatment options for patients who have cancer, blood disorders, breast health conditions and pulmonary disease or sleep disorders. To schedule an appointment with Comprehensive, please call 702-952-3350.
The content is this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.