World Health Day: Get Screened
The World Health Organization, and the team at Comprehensive Cancer Centers, celebrate World Health Day on April 7.
World Health Day serves as a way to focus on urgent actions needed to keep humans and the planet healthy. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than 13 million lives are lost each year due to avoidable environmental causes. This includes the climate crisis which is the single biggest health threat facing humanity, increasing diseases like cancer, asthma and heart disease.
According to the WHO, pandemic has revealed weaknesses in society and underlined the urgency of creating sustainable well-being societies committed to achieving equitable health now and for future generations. Breaking cycles of destruction for the planet and human health requires legislative action, corporate reform, and individuals to be supported and incentivized to make healthy choices.
Also celebrated in April is National Minority Cancer Awareness Week which begins on April 9. There are many challenges found locally within minority populations where we have seen a lack of awareness to take charge of personal health through screenings and participating in clinical research.
While there has been substantial progress in efforts to save lives from cancer, it’s an unfortunate truth that these advancements have not benefited minority populations to the extent they should. This is supported by data from National Cancer Institute, which shows gaps among our neighbors right here in the Las Vegas Valley:
- African-American women suffer from a higher incidence of a particularly aggressive form of breast cancer (the triple-negative subtype) than women of other groups.
- African-American men suffer from substantially higher rates of prostate cancer and death than men of other racial/ethnic groups.
- Native Americans have higher rates of liver cancer than other groups.
- Asian and Pacific Islanders higher rates of kidney cancer than other groups.
- Hispanic and African American women have higher rates of cervical cancer incidence and death than other groups.
With the diversity found in Las Vegas, and throughout Southern Nevada, the team at Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada believes it’s important for our community to rally together to help improve cancer detections and outcomes for our residents, so everyone has an equal chance at living a healthy life. To help make this happen, here are three simple tips everyone can take to help spread the word during World Health Day, National Minority Cancer Awareness Week or any other day of the year:
- Talk Openly About Screenings: By talking about what we’re doing, especially with taking care of our health, we open up the opportunity to have conversations with friends and family. Encourage them to take care of themselves, and their families, the way you do with you and yours.
- Spread the Word: With more and more people returning to work, and getting back to getting more screenings and regular healthcare, ask your HR team to help get your colleagues informed about options for testing.
- Refer a Friend: Encourage your friends to get good care that you’ve enjoyed at your family doctor or with a specialist at a practice like Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada.
We know that talking about cancer isn’t always at the top of conversational priorities but sharing experience with friends of all backgrounds will encourage them to share the information with their friends. This multiplier effect may help more neighbors here in Southern Nevada – many you may never meet – lead healthier lives.
Comprehensive Cancer Centers Can Help
Physicians at Comprehensive Cancer Centers provide a variety of treatment options for patients with cancer, blood disorders, breast health conditions, pulmonary disease and sleep disorders. To schedule an appointment with the team at Comprehensive, please call 702-952-3350.
The content is this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.