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Live Cancer

Comprehensive Cancer Centers knows that an estimated 42,810 adults in the United States will be diagnosed with primary liver cancer this year. Since 1980, incidences of liver cancer have tripled. Between 2007 and 2016, the number of people diagnosed with the disease increased by approximately two percent annually. Men are about three times more likely than women to be diagnosed with the disease.

It is estimated that 30,160 deaths from liver cancer will occur this year. For men, liver cancer is the fifth most common cause of cancer death. It is the seventh most common cause of cancer death among women. The overall death rate has more than doubled from 1980 to 2017, making the disease one of great concern for the team at Comprehensive.

It is important to remember that statistics for people with liver cancer are an estimate. The estimate comes from annual data based on the number of people with this cancer in the United States. Also, experts measure the survival statistics every five years. So the estimate may not show the results of better diagnosis or treatment available for less than five years.

With these numbers of great concern, it’s important for anyone with liver cancer to get the right treatments, which can be done at Comprehensive Cancer Centers. After treatment, an aspect to liver cancer that is often missed or misunderstood is the benefit for patients that comes from being mindful and watching for recurrences through regular follow up appointments.

Follow Up Care for Liver Cancer

The primary goal of follow-up care for Comprehensive Cancer, with its patients is to check for a recurrence, which means that the cancer has come back. Cancer recurs because small areas of cancer cells may remain undetected in the body. Over time, these cells may increase in number until they show up on test results or cause signs or symptoms.

During follow-up care, physicians provide personalized information about risks of recurrence. He, or one of his colleagues, will ask specific questions about a patient’s health. Some people may have blood tests or imaging tests done as part of regular follow-up care, but testing recommendations depend on several factors, including the type and stage of cancer originally diagnosed and the types of treatment given.

Side Effects of Live Cancer, Post Treatment

Most people expect to experience side effects when receiving treatment. However, it is often surprising to survivors that some side effects may linger beyond the treatment period. These are called long-term side effects. Other side effects called late effects may develop months or even years afterwards. Long-term and late effects can include both physical and emotional changes.

It’s important for survivors of liver cancer, and all other cancers to understand risks of side effects based on cancer types, your individual treatment plans, and your overall health. If you had a treatment known to cause specific late effects, you may have certain physical examinations, scans, or blood tests to help find and manage them, which is what makes follow up appointments so critical.

Patients and their physicians will work together to develop a personalized follow-up care plan, which should include concerns about future physical or emotional health. Comprehensive offers guidelines to help keep track of the cancer treatment you received and develop a survivorship care plan when treatment is completed, which can be asked for during or after treatment.

This is also a good time to talk with your doctor about who will lead your follow-up care. Some survivors continue to see their oncologist, while others transition back to the care of their family doctor or another health care professional. This decision depends on several factors, including the type and stage of cancer, side effects, health insurance rules, and your personal preferences.

Comprehensive Cancer Centers Can Help

Physicians at Comprehensive Cancer Centers provide a variety of treatment options for liver cancer including chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, pulmonary medicine and world-class clinical research and immunotherapy.  To schedule an appointment with the team at Comprehensive, please call 702-952-3350.


The content in this post is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.


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