Get Your Advance Care Plan in Place
Comprehensive recommends patients, and their families, discuss Advance Care Plans the benefits of planning for future care so patients have peace of mind later.
What is Advance Care Planning?
Advance care planning means thinking and making choices now to guide your future health care.
It gives everyone, including you, a chance to think about what’s important. It helps you understand what the future might hold and to say what health care you would, or would not, want. This makes it much easier for everyone to know what you want- especially if you can no longer speak for yourself. Advance care planning can be done a step at a time at your own pace. Here are the steps:
STEP 1- Think About Your Advanced Care Plan
• What is important to you? What gives your life meaning?
• Are there any treatments or types of care that you would or would not want?
• Who would you want to make decisions on your behalf if you were unable to? Do you have a durable power of attorney?
• If there was a choice, how and where would you like to spend your last days?
STEP 2 – Talk about Your Advance Care Plan and Decide Who to Discuss it With?
• Family?
• Your friends and loved ones?
• Your primary care provider, oncologist, advance practice provider, health care team?
• Your spiritual advisor?
• Your attorney?
STEP 3 – Write Your Advance Care Plan Down
Write down what’s important to you, what treatments you may or may not want and anything else you want others to be clear about.
Having your wishes in writing will inform and share with important people in your life your wishes.
There’s a guide you can use available on this website.
STEP 4 – Share Your Advance Care Plan
Once you have written down what’s important to you and what you want, give a copy to:
• Key family members
• Your health care team
• Your attorney
STEP 5 – Review Your Advance Care Plan
Review your advance care plan regularly to make sure nothing has changed for you. If things change, update your plan and share it whenever it’s revised.
Questions About Advance Care Planning?
If you have questions about advance care planning or your current plan, make an appointment for more information with one of our Advance Practice Providers. You can fill out the form on this page and someone will be in contact to help you get an appointment. If you would like more resources for Advance Directive Forms in Nevada, please click here.