Patient Rights, Medicare & HIPAA
Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada has a legal and ethical obligation to protect your patient rights which includes personal health information.
1. Full information about my rights and responsibilities as a patient in an Ambulatory Center;
2. Receive an explanation of my diagnosis, benefits of treatment, alternatives, recuperation, risks and an explanation of consequences if treatment is not pursued;
3. An explanation of all rules, regulations and services provided by the Center, the days and hours of service and provisions for possible emergency care, including telephone numbers;
4. Choose the type of Medical Plan that is best suited to my particular situation and work with the physician members within my healthcare plan;
5. Participate in development of a plan of care including Advance Directives and have my own copies;
6. Refuse participation in any protocol or aspect of care including investigational studies, and freely withdraw my previously given consent for further treatment;
7. Disclosure of any teaching programs, research or experimental programs in which the facility is participating;
8. Full financial explanation and payment schedule prior to beginning treatment;
9. Receive expert, professional care without discrimination, regardless of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sexual preference, handicap, sex or age;
10. Be treated with courtesy, dignity and respect of my personal privacy by all employees of the Center;
11. Be free of physical/mental abuse and/or neglect by all employees of the Ambulatory Center;
12. Complain or file grievance with the Center Patient Representative without fear of retaliation or discrimination;
13. Confidential treatment of my condition, medical record and financial information;
14. Access to my personal records and obtain copies upon written request; and,
15. Assistance and consideration in the management of pain.
1. Disclose accurate and complete information related to physical condition, hospitalization, medication allergies, medical history and related items;
2. Participate in developing a Plan of Care, Advance Directives and Living Will;
3. Assist in maintaining a safe, peaceful and efficient environment;
4. Provide new/changed information related to my health insurance to the business office and be prepared to meet my agreed co-pay during my office visit;
5. Contact the Center when unable to keep a scheduled appointment;
6. Cooperate in the planned care and treatment developed for me;
7. Request more detailed explanations for any aspect of service I do not understand;
8. Inform my physicians and nurses of any changes in my condition or any new problems or concerns;
9. Communicate any temporary or permanent changes in my address or telephone number that might hinder contact by the Ambulatory Center staff;
10. Relate my levels of discomfort and/or pain and perceived changes in my pain management to my physician; and,
11. Inform my physician or nurse that I need a refill before my supply is gone.
Medicare will only pay for services that it determines to be “reasonable and necessary” under section 1862 (a) (1) of the Medicare law. If Medicare determines that a particular service, although it would otherwise be covered, is not ‘reasonable and necessary’ under Medicare program standards, Medicare will deny payment for that service.
Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada has always maintained that our patients come first. We aim to always provide our patients with quality patient services and care while maintaining a high degree of clinical knowledge and professionalism.
With the onset of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA Privacy Rule), with an effective date of May 1, 2016, we believe that our mission to be the premier provider of hematology and oncology services in Nevada will not be diminished.
Patients will receive a “Notice of Privacy Practices,” which will review our responsibilities as a practice. The notice will also outline your rights regarding how your health information is used or disclosed.
Comprehensive Cancer Centers of Nevada has a legal and ethical obligation to protect your personal health information. We take this obligation very seriously and have taken numerous precautions to comply with the standards dictated by our Privacy Policy.